About Us


The Vancouver Island North Teachers’ Association (VINTA), established in 1965, is the union of professionals representing 100+ public school teachers on North Vancouver Island in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Our teachers teach at schools in Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Port Alice, Alert Bay, and Sointula.  All public school teachers belong to VINTA and the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF).

British Columbia Teachers Federation

The BCTF is our parent organization that represents all local unions and 51, 000 teachers in British Columbia.

Click Here to go to the BCTF site.

Click Here to go to BCTF Event Calendar

The BCTF site has an area just for BCTF members called MyBCTF.

MyBCTF is a secure area on the BCTF website for BCTF members only. It is referred to as the BCTF member portal.

In the last few years, many members have asked for a secure member-only portal, more use of electronic tools, opportunities for interaction and discussion in a non-public forum, and reduced paper use. MyBCTF is a major step forward in achieving those objectives.

Members can login to the portal and register for BCTF events, change their membership profile information, access content targeted to members, and participate in online discussion forums.

Accessing the member portal

Your BCTF member ID number is your login username. If you need help registering for the first time or logging in, please refer to our portal help guide, http://bctf.ca/services-guidance/membership-expenses-and-administration/get-assistance-with-bctf-login.