Tomorrow! BCTF Webinar on Inquiry for Teachers. Register now!

This is short notice but we would greatly appreciate if you could share with your members the celebration of the end of the 2016–17 school year webinar, Living Inquiry – Stories from the Field.
It will take place tomorrow, June 14, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and registration is now open at the following link

You will be asked for your email and name.

Teachers will share success stories from Teacher Inquiry groups and viewers will be able to ask questions and make comments during the hour-long webinar.

Thank you for spreading the word!


Lucie Ferrari
Assistant Director, Professional and Social Issues Division
British Columbia Teachers’ Federation
100-550 West 6th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4P2
Twitter: @MadameFerrari
Phone number: 604-871-1809