Pro-D – Professional Reading Incentive
Professional Reading Incentive
Hello Everyone!
The VINTA Pro-D Committee would like to buy you a book for Christmas!
Last year the School Board had a surplus in the LIF account. VINTA and the Board agreed to have this surplus, of approximately $15 000, transferred to the Pro-D fund. A large portion of these funds will be used for the District Pro-D Day, but the VINTA Pro-D Committee also passed a motion to encourage some professional reading. The motion allows for all teachers, including TTOC’s, to purchase a book for professional reading up to $40. This is above and beyond your individual Pro-D funds of $600.
We are also asking members to bring the book to the District Pro-D Day in February. The Pro-D Committee will schedule about an hour for table discussions to share the variety of books. We’re hoping that each member will take about 5-10 minutes to share the book they read with 5-6 other colleagues. Some members may even want to swap books?
To be reimbursed for your book, just complete a yellow Pro-D Form and check off the professional materials box and in the description area write: “Professional Reading Incentive.” Please return the form and receipt to the VINTA Office by February 14th.
If you have any questions, please email me or call the VINTA Office (250-949-8888).
Happy Reading!
Kevin Ogren
VINTA Pro-D Chair