16 days of activism starts Nov 25!
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is an international campaign that starts on November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and ends on December 10, Human Rights Day. The campaign hopes to raise awareness about gender-based violence as a human rights issue at the local, national, regional, and international levels. Below are many actions that can be taken by students and teachers. ![]() This year, the UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign invites you to “Orange YOUR Neighbourhood” with the colour designated by the UNiTE campaign to symbolize a brighter future without violence. Organize events to orange your local streets, shops, and schools! Share your photos, messages and videos showing how you orange your neighbourhood at facebook.com/SayNO.UNiTE and twitter.com/SayNO_UNiTE. For more information about “Orange YOUR Neighbourhood,” download toolkit.Get inspired! Watch this video and see how they ‘oranged’ the world last year! www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAYbuXg36YE, http://endviolence.un.org/orangeday.shtml.This year’s theme at Amnesty International is ”Let’s challenge militarism and end violence against women” www.amnesty.org/en/womens-rights/16-days. There is a focus on specific countries that you and your students can write letters to and urge governments to enhance the safety of women and girls. Anglican Men speak out against gender-based violence leading up to the 16 Days of Activism with a short video and info sheet: The video is at http://youtu.be/8OUjabyVJJk. An accompanying leaflet is at http://bit.ly/10yvamZ. The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence has an international facebook page with events and information from around the world www.facebook.com/16DaysCampaign. Follow a Teach In each day at Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences http://16dayscwgl.rutgers.edu/images/socialmedia/16DaysTeachin_IMAGE4.pdf (Teach-Ins are a series of several, continuous tweets from a single source that revolve around social justice topics. Linked together with a unique hashtag, teach-ins are essentially tweetable lectures that are meant to educate a wide, general audience.) Oxfam has six videos and a discussion guide to talk about stories and issues of violence: www.oxfam.ca/get-involved/16-days. BC Society of Transition Houses new booklet has suggestions for actions to take: http://bcsth.ca/sites/default/files/16days.pdf. WeCan End all Violence against women BC campaign has many ideas for events and activism during this time; www.wecanbc.ca/events/16-days-of-activism. On the BCTF Status of Women webpage, posters and actions can be found here: bctf.ca/SocialJustice.aspx?id=19760&libID=19768. Lesson plans can be found here: bctf.ca/uploadedFiles/Public/SocialJustice/Issues/SW/ViolenceAgainstWomen.pdf, bctf.ca/SocialJustice.aspx?id=19766&libID=19774 Book one of these BCTF workshops for a school or local Pro-D day or for an after-school session. Youth Relationships in a Sexualized World This workshop reveals many of the sexualized influences from media and culture on youth relationships. Teachers are provided with options to raise our youth’s awareness around these negative influences in order to seek healthier, more respectful relationships. Stamping out Cyberbullying by Building Self Awareness, Self Discipline and Empathy This workshop will help to develop self-awareness and empathy building around bullying and bystander issues. Key skills and strategies will be used to identify some of the underlying causes of bullying and help stamp out cyberbullying. Through talking circles and reflective listening activities, ideas will be presented on how to create a safe and inclusive classroom. There will be opportunities to further explore the teacher’s role as an elder and mentor to students. For more BCTF Workshop Information: http://bctf.ca/uploadedFiles/Public/SocialJustice/Programs/SJ-workshops.pdf If you have a successful lesson, event, or action in your classroom, please submit an article to me for the SJ newsletter. Your colleagues enjoy reading about success stories that have worked with students. Thank you! Susan Ruzic SR/Unifor:mgs/tfeu ________________________________________ Susan Ruzic Attachments area Preview YouTube video UNiTE Campaign: 16 Days to Orange Your World 2013 UNiTE Campaign: 16 Days to Orange Your World 2013 Preview YouTube video 16 Days of Activism: Anglican Men Speak Out |